Creating Welcome for Refugees
Refugees have long been active agents in their own livelihoods. Many have powerful stories of how they made it in America that speak to family, civic engagement, neighborliness and the value of diversity, sacrifice and giving back. These contributors remind us of the value of human diversity and how refugees are an important thread in the American fabric.
In this section we provide a series of 2 minute videos featuring refugees in the United States explaining the unique strategies they have used to career-ladder into meaningful, living-wage work. Some have leveraged their pre-flight skills in unique ways, others have used ingenuity to fill marketplace needs. While each of these stories stands alone as a discussion starter, we have also included some links to discussion questions and group activities designed to aid your school, workplace, or organization dispel common myths about refugees and learn more about the issues that are important to them.
We invite you to join the discussion. Send us your stories, the strategies you’ve used to career-ladder, or pictures and highlights from your classes’ or group’s activity to